A fitness tracking app that motivates beginner to intermediate lifters by breaking the barriers lifters face that prevent them from achieving passion and consistency.
Project Type
Fall Semester
August 2023-December 2023
Collaborated with 3 other group members
My Role
Tools Used
Oversaw the work of the other members of my group . I heavily contributed to the project focus, contextual inquiry, Scenarios, and Prototyping. While I consulted with my team to assist with personas.
Pen & Paper, Google Docs, and Figma
Design Process
Milestone 1: Project Focus
Problem, Solution, Stakeholder map
Milestone 1: Project Focus
Milestone 2: Contextual Inquiry
Planning, Interviews, Interpertation Session, Affinity Diagram
Milestone 4: Scenarios
Scenario 1, Scenario 2, Scenario 3
Milestone 3: Personas
Primary Persona, Secondary Personas, Anti-Personas
Milestone 5: Protyping
User Flow, Lo-fi, Hi-fi
Project Focus
The problem
Many college students enter college with the goal to pursue fitness. Some students have been pursuing their fitness journey previously, however, due to the big change in environment college provides, along with many barriers, gym pursuers become inconsistent and lack progress
The solution
A social media fitness app to track progress, coordinate with friends for group workouts, and create/share workout plans, to keep gym goers on a consistent workout routine.
Gyms by attracting new members
Trainers by bringing new customers
Gym Vendors by bringing new consumers
Gym Goers by bringing them a more motivated experience.
Contextual Inquiry
My team and I planned on interviewing 2 people each making for a total of 8 interviewees. I guided my team to pursue a variety of men and women with an emphasis on finding potential users of our product of beginner to intermediate lifting experience. However, I tasked one of my team members with finding one experienced lifter to give us a another perspective. We also set up a pre-interview screener to make sure we were interviewing the right people.
We recorded all the Interview Notes in one document. To view the interview notes that include participant info, pre-screener, interview questions, and responses, please click here.
Interpretation Session & Affinity Diagram
Once we finished conducting interviews my team and I came together to discuss our findings and organized our responses from our interviews and then created an affinity diagram in order to find common trends among pontential users. To view the figma file that contains our interpretation session and affinity diagram an click here.
Primary Persona
My team and I defined our primary persona as an intermediate lifter who wants to workout and can benefit from working out with others. However, recently they have a lot of excuses for skipping workouts. They have been going though a long period of inconsistency and as a result has seen a plateau in their progress.
Secondary Personas
Our first secondary persona is a beginner lifter who doesn’t have a strict routine but is is motivated to develop one, learn more, and improve as a lifter. The second secondary personas is an experienced lifter who already has the motivation to workout as well as a strict routine that they follow. However, they are looking for a gym buddy.
Our anti-personas are people that will never be users of our product. We defined our anti-personas as advanced lifters who have a strict routine and never skip workouts. They also aren’t interested in training with others.
Scenario 1
James has been working out for the last 2 years and would consider himself an intermediate and is in pretty good shape. James still has room to grow as a lifter. Even though he values the gym as essential to his life, the past few months he has been experiencing some burn out resulting in inconsistency. To get himself back on track and find his passion for the gym again he downloads our app.
Scenario 2
Abigail already has all the knowledge she needs to stay healthy and active. She wants to find a workout buddy who shares her goals. But avoiding finding an unsafe workout partner is paramount to her; she doesn't want to be in an unsafe environment. She wants an App that can pre-screen and censor users.
Scenario 3
Daniel was a former baseball player but has been out of the game for a while now and is now out of shape. His baseball days are behind him so he decides he wants to start going to the gym. He wants to find a gym buddy to workout so he looks at groups to find a buddy that could either give him a workout to try or a buddy perhaps also fomer baseball player to go to the gym with.
User Flow
Once we had visualized the distinct features we wanted to encoperate, we began on the lo-fi prototypes. View the full figma file by clicking here.
After we completed lo-fi designs we moved on to hi-fi prototypes. View the full figma file by clicking here.
Sturdy Hi-fi Demo
Although a user flow wasn’t required for this project I advised my team that we still complete one as a group thinking exercise to visualize our ideas before we began prototyping. View the entire user flow we created by clicking here.